Thursday, 19 May 2011

Dance festival in Marbella

Dance Festival, which began May 3 in Marbella continues, and today, May 5, offers its viewers to enjoy two performances - at the Theatre of Marbella (Teatro Ciudad de Marbella) at 20:30 and at 21:30 in the open air cafe terraces "La Polaca".
In the main theater will be presented to Marbella Shakespearean play "Midsummer Night's Dream", which participants are students of the Municipal Conservatory of Music and Dance. Choreography and staging based on the work of George Balanchine Kayyaya Hens and Paola Destro (Cayaya Hens & Paola Diestro).
And the cycle of "Old Town, the heart of the Dance" on the terraces «La Polaca» will be presented to the individual dances performed by Vanessa Aibar and Manuel Roldan (Vanesa Aibar & Manuel Roldan) common title of "Dancing Under the Stars", which can be seen from the area of ​​the central market (calle Jacinto Benavente, Marbella)
On Friday, May 6 at 13:30 and 20:00 in the framework of the festival cycle of the "Old City, the heart of the Dance", in the heart of downtown on the square de la Iglesia Ntra. Sra. de la Encarnacion will play "A mitad de Camino", delivered in the style of Andalusian mannerism choreographer and dancer Manuel CaƱadas (Manuel Ca? adas)
The festival of Dance on May 7 at the Theater of Marbella, a concert of the National Dance Company (Compania Nacional de Danza), which since 1999 has involved the formation of ballet companies and preparing them for professional careers. The evening performances will be presented to three teams in the formulation of Nacho Duato (Nacho Duato)

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